
Specifications for the Preliminary Investigation of Sites

The central preliminary investigation of sites is carried out in accordance with sections 10 to 12 of the WindSeeG. It aims to provide the bidders with information for the tenders of centrally pre-investigated sites in accordance with part 3, division 5 of the WindSeeG, to enable a competitive determination of the bid in accordance with sec. 51 of the WindSeeG, to determine the suitability of the sites as well as to pre-assess individual objects of investigation.

Within the framework of the central preliminary investigation of sites information regarding the marine environment, subsoil, oceanography and wind as well as with regard to shipping pursuant to sec. 10 para. 1 WindSeeG have to be determined and reports must be prepared based on the investigations. The information is taken into account in the suitability assessment pursuant to sec. 10 para. 2 WindSeeG.

The following technical specifications show the technical implementation of the central preliminary investigation of sites and specify the requirements according to sec. 10 para. 1 no. 2 and 3 WindSeeG taking into account the state of art of science and technology.

In particular, the technical specifications delineate the basis for the determination of the data base for

I. the strategic environmental assessment as part of the suitability assessment for the site,
II. the OWF preliminary design including the selection of turbine locations, and
III. the selection and preliminary constructional planning of the foundation.

In addition to that, the requirements with respect to data quality are set to avoid multiple investigations in the course of the approval process and shall warrant the greatest possible reusability of the data for future OWF dismantling and repowering measures.

Map of Specifications
Map of Specifications
  • Map of Specifications
    Map of Specifications