Publisher and provider
Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency
(Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie - BSH)
Bernhard-Nocht-Straße 78
20359 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 3190-0
Fax: +49 40 3190-5000
Represented by:
Helge Heegewaldt
Bernhard-Nocht-Straße 78
20359 Hamburg
Responsible for content
Division O2 - Preliminary Investigation of Sites
Legal disclaimer
Links to websites of other providers
In addition to our own content, our website also contains links to websites of other providers. If you follow such a link, you leave the BSH website and therefore also our area of responsibility. The BSH has carefully selected these links and checked their content when the links were first created. However, this content does not originate from BSH, nor does BSH have any influence on it.
The BSH therefore accepts no liability for the content of websites accessed via links. The BSH expressly dissociates itself from all content that may be of relevance under criminal or liability law or that is contrary to public decency. The content of third-party sites to which the BSH provides links is intended solely for the purpose of providing information and illustrating context.
Usage of this website
Provided on this website are the results and related documents (both together in short: "data") of the preliminary investigation of sites which are up for tender by the Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) according to sec. 50 of the Offshore Wind Energy Act (WindSeeG). The data is being provided as part of the tender announcement by BNetzA, see sec. 50 sen. 2 no. 7 WindSeeG, and will hence be available at least during the tender period. The data provision can be continued even after the end of the tender period, by decision of BSH.
A general overview on the preliminary investigation of sites, the scope of the investigation measures as well as the structure of the data resulting from these investigation measures can be found in the Information on data provision. The following paragraphs stipulate the legal terms of the data provision.
Usage of the data
The data provided on this website may be used for the purposes explicitly stated in sec. 9 para. 1 WindSeeG, meaning a competition-based determination of the market-premium and the site-related planning approval procedure. If and to which extent data has been verified, in regards to its viability, accuracy, completeness and plausibility, is documented in the reports and other evaluation documents provided in the data packages. Additionally, some data sets include specific disclaimers in the form of txt files as well as in their description on this website. BSH provides the data specifically for the above-mentioned purposes; in regards to usage for other purposes (“third purpose usage”) the data has not been verified in regards to its viability, accuracy, completeness and plausibility. Any third purpose usage has to adhere to the usual citation rules. If the data are published or in any other way distributed by a third purpose user, any changes made to the data by the user have to be made explicit. Usage of the data for the site-related planning approval procedure for a windfarm on the tendered site is limited to the bidder who has been awarded funding, sec. 24 WindSeeG.
The texts, complete or part thereof, graphics and maps ("hub interface content") used on this website are subject to
copyright and may not be used or published elsewhere without prior agreement.
BSH does generally not
allow links below the website-level. External links to this website therefore have to refer to the main page, as in
External links to any single element of the website ("deep links") are disallowed if not
approved by BSH beforehand.
Investigation measures for multiple sites
Data is being provided as one data package per tendered site. This data package is generally site-specific, with one exception: If multiple sites have been investigated in a joint campaign, all of the campaign results will be included in each of the data packages. This means that some data can be identical throughout different data packages, both for sites which are tendered in the same year and for sites which are tendered in different years.