Site N-3.6

Completed tenders of the BNetzA according to WindSeeG
Tender deadline 1 August 2023

Tender results (BNetzA; German language)

Site N-3.6

Pursuant to sec. 9 para. 3 sentence 2 of the Offshore Wind Energy Act (WindSeeG), the preliminary investigation of those sites which, according to the Site Development Plan are to be up for auction in the following calendar year shall, as far as possible, completed before the announcement of the tender in the ongoing calendar year pursuant to sec. 50 of the WindSeeG. On the basis of this regulation, the results of the investigation and documents of the site N-3.6 were already published on February 24, 2022. The tender date for the site N-3.6 is August 1, 2023.

Site N-3.6 is situated in the German exclusive economic zone in the North Sea in the western section of area N-3 which is defined in the Site Development Plan 2020. It is located between the traffic separation schemes “German Bight Western Approach” and “Terschelling German Bight”. To the west of the site there is a priority area for shipping according to the Spatial Plan 2021.The minimum water depth is 30 m (Lowest Astronomical Tide). To the south is the offshore wind farm “Nordsee One”, which is already in operation. Site N-3.5 is to the east. The operational offshore connection lines “BorWin1” and “BorWin2” run to the north-east of site N-3.5, along with the parallel running gas pipeline “Europipe 1”. The site is crossed by four decommissioned submarine cables. The distances from the nearest island Norderney and Juist, which alre located tot he south of the site, are around 30-40 km.

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The preliminary investigations on the marine environment implement the requirements of the standard “Investigation of the Impacts of Offshore Wind Turbines on the Marine Environment” (currently StUK4). According to sec. 10 para. 1 no. 1 WindSeeG, investigations are carried out and documented which are required for an environmental impact study in the planning approval procedure according to sec. 66 WindSeeG for the erection of offshore wind turbines on this site and which can be carried out independently of the later design of the project.

The preliminary investigations of the subsoil implement the requirements of the standard “Ground Investigations for Offshore Wind Energy”. According to sec. 10 para. 1 no. 2 WindSeeG, a preliminary investigation of the subsoil is carried out as part of the preliminary investigation of sites. The investigations were carried out and documented in accordance with the standard “Ground Investigations for Offshore Wind Energy”. The preliminary geological investigation serves to describe the sedimentary/lithological conditions, the general bedding conditions and, if applicable, tectonic conditions in the area under investigation, as well as the general evaluation of the subsoil from a geological point of view.

The preliminary investigations of the wind and oceanographic conditions on site N-3.6 were carried out by the BSH according to the state of the art in science and technology. According to sec. 10 para. 1 no. 3 WindSeeG, the BSH prepares reports on the wind and oceanographic conditions for the area to be pre-investigated as part of the preliminary investigation of sites.

Pursuant to sec. 12 para. 3 sen. 2 WindSeeG former edition, the BSH has furthermore determined the effects on shipping traffic as an additional subject of investigation on the basis of the results of the hearing. An expert opinion on the impact of the construction of offshore wind farms on the sites to be tendered on shipping is therefore part of the data package.

In accordance with sec. 10 para. 2 of the WindSeeG, the BSH has examined the suitability of the sites and, in accordance with sec. 10 para. 3 WindSeeG, it has determined the capacity to be installed on the site. Pursuant to sec. 12 para. 5 WindSeeG, the BSH has determined the suitability in the form of the 2nd Offshore Wind Energy Ordinance (2nd WindSeeV). For the examination of suitability, pursuant to sec. 35 para. 1 no. 1 of the Federal Environmental Impact Assessment Act (UVPG) in conjunction with no. 1.18 of Annex 5 to the UVPG, a strategic environmental assessment must be carried out. The environmental report prepared within the framework of the strategic environmental assessment, the suitability examination and a copy of the 2nd WindSeeV are part of this data package.

Map of Site N-3.6
Map of Site N-3.6
  • Map of Site N-3.6
    Map of Site N-3.6